It was many times that i published the erotic stories that our readers posted here or at our shemale forum. This time it’s something different, and i’m proud to present you the drawings of our forum member, Defender. I’m speechless, so fascinated I am! This guy has definitely got talent and i’m looking forward to seeing more of his works (although he confessed it might take him long due to wank off breaks he has to to take regularly while drawing 😉 ).
Kudos to You, Defender!

12 Responses to “Shemale drawings by our forum member”
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I think that Defender has a fine artistic talent and a vivid erotic imagination. I love well done erotic art,especially if it is shemale oriented. I hope that Defender will continue to post his art on this blog and/or the forum.
These are outstanding. Please show us more of your talents.
I love to caption pics like this, only with your permission, I’d like to caption one of these.
Well done! Defender can really draw (rare among artistic artists) and that makes his work extra erotic. But I do have one criticism: cocks and breasts ought to be in proportion to their owners. Those huge things simply look awkward.
I hope we’ll see more of Defender… but where? Is there a web site?
vrey good pictures, big cocks, lots of cum
the drawings are very good, outstanding, gets my cock hard
I agree that the cocks are too big, out of proportion. the cocks would look better if they were hard, better looking heads on them.
i am boys
It’s good to see art like this. The site should include galleries with drawings like these ones. I’d surely boost our morale. Congrats and luck forever!
the drawing looks good but the cocks look too big
very artistic..
Hi Defender
I saw some of your artwork on Powerweapons and was very impressed! I was very turned on by the detail and vigor of your compositions. I’ve been searching for more of your stuff and, thanks to Google, found that you have contributed to this site.
I have a Yahoo group which contains shemale artworks by most of the best artists working in this genre. The best thing about my group is that I have the largest collection of Bobby Luv pictures (100+) anywhere on the Net. If you don’t know his work, I’m sure you’d love it.
I’d be honoured if you would apply to become a member of my group and look at the art. I draw a little myself and have about 10 drawings to show. The address of the group is:
I like the orgy pic but the other is unrealistic, the drawings that look like real people even though theirs bodies are perfect are better.