Have you ever played dress up with your partner? There are a number of ways to dress seductively without breaking your pocket book. If nothing else you can prance around in your swimwear, modeling it for your mate. Do a little dance and make sure that you show how your back end fills out the small bikini bottom! Swimwear is generally skimpy enough to do the trick and get your partner’s heart a pounding. If you are looking for something a little more risque than try out lingerie!
There are many types of lingerie for men. If you look around your local town you will probably find at least one lingerie shop. If you live in a small town or are skeptical of going into the local lingerie shop, then shop on the Internet or by catalog. There are a number of companies that provide services for those of us that are a little shy about our intimate relationships! From the French maid outfit, naughty nurse or hired security officer, you can find something that will certainly tickle your fancy. Dressing up allows us to explore ourselves and open up a world of pretend. Pretend dates back to childhood when we pretended to be someone else in another world. There are no boundaries or guidelines in pretend play and it is the same with your sex life as well. Dressing up gives you confidence in you’re self and lets you explore the inner wild cat that you have been pinning up for a long time. Pretend play and dressing up stimulates the imagination and gives way to trying new positions, things and sharing ideas with your partner. It can also create an open line of communication in the preparation or shopping for the “dress up” attire. Communications is one of the most important aspects of a relationship and in order to have a great sex life you absolutely must communicate with your partner. Find something to share with them, talk to them and confide in one another, it will bring you closer together.
Dressing up will not only give you great excitement for the night, but also opens up to a new and more exciting sex life. Couples that have been together for a while can fall into the same routine and become bored in the bedroom. The bedroom should be a place of every changing and passionate desire, not the same 5-minute encounter to satisfy the immediate need! Change it up – dress up!

I like wearing nylons when ucking a shemale.