Sixteen-year-old Rufus Bowman was looking for someone to rob, and picked a transvestite prostitute, Mr. Bumpus as he thought that would be an easy victim. The prostitute was 6’3″, 280 lbs and was wearing a pink halter top and pumps. They went into a nearby alley to transact business but then Bowman pulled a gun and shot the TV in the arm. The bullet went through and lodged near Mr. Bumpus’ ribs, however, even though he was shot, the transvestite continued fighting, got the gun away from the assaulter, grabbed him by the hair and beat the daylights out of him. The other transvestites, the friends of Bumpus, him beat Bowman.
The cops said it was one of their more memorable arrests of their lives. The robber was charged with felonious assault and having a gun while under a criminal disability.
Source: Teenager picked wrong transvestite prostitute to rob