As you know, this blog serves an educational purpose as well, besides being fascinated by tgirls and my physical attration to them, I also do my best to get more people know about them, the problems and challenges they meet in their lives. It was obvious that tgirls don’t like to be called “shemales” or “trannies” (because these words are usually associated with porn), but looks like the term “transsexual” may seem derogatory to them too. Here is the article that one of my friends, a tgirl, wrote especially for my blog.
Over the years many have argued against the labels that have been imposed on individuals that do not conform to normal sexual practices. Whatever normal sexual practices are. Many find that the terms and labels are degrading and think that they should be removed. We are concerned with labels in society yet we continue to develop names for people that are not like ourselves and them categorize them accordingly. It is just not right. Labels are harming to the mere inner soul and there should just be a realization that not everyone falls into the norms and strict guidelines passed down from generation to generation.
For the use of the adult entertainment sector, many have adopted the names for their sexual orientation and feel that it should be left at that. Many medical and health professionals find the need to name everything and then write it out in their books and tell us whether or not we are normal. Because one fits into a particular classification or label does not necessarily mean that they are a textbook case. People are different and we should be very careful about our labels and telling them how they should feel or act. Everyone is different and labels should be banned.
So why are labels derogatory? Many claim that they do not agree with some of the label classifications and they are not correct. No two people are the same and should not be portrayed as such. It is difficult to be lumped into one category and everyone assumes something about you. People are different and should be treated as such. You can not lump everyone into one category; many fall into more than one. We preach at the youngsters for judging and profiling, we should be careful not to make the same mistake with grouping transgender into a few preset classifications.
The transgender group according to the guidelines encompasses several different types of individuals. Most of these individuals disagree with the classification and prefer to be referred to as “T” or other versions signifying their preferences. Nobody wants to be labeled and stuck into a group. That takes away the freedom and ability to allow individuals to make their own decisions and not carry on preconceived notions about a particular group of individuals. So what ever you call it, be careful because many people take great offense to the labels imposed on them. Turn it around, would you want to be stuck into a classification?

I’m sorry, but that explained absolutely nothing. Not only does this article not explain why the term “transexual” is derogatory, it pretty much says that all labeling is derogatory, which is a complete inaccuracy. Labels are necessary to keep from becoming long-winded, especially when needing to repeat them. Unless the transgendered community wish to be called things like, “guys who think they’re girls and have boobs but still have penises,” or anything similar, labels need to be created to keep word traffic at a minimum. I’ve read many articles on how the transgendered community take offense to so many terms (pretty much all of them, including transgender) that it’s become far too politically correct for my taste. As much as I hate to say it (because I really DO have nothing but respect for the community) I’m getting very close to the attitude, “Forget it! Since you can’t decide on an appropriate term, I’ll call you shemales! Get over it and move on!” I do agree that labels give others a preconceived notion of the individual, but those notions change from person to person as people interpret them in different ways. I believe it would be quite beneficial to the community if they simply chose labels that accurately describe their area of transexuality and made those terms official. I know that would be no easy task, but this is an issue that can’t remain unresolved, as it delves into the very core of transexuality.
in this day and age it’s possible to find someone who will object to any term you can think of. Most transwomen will tell you what terms they personally are comfortable with. Until one tells you her preferences you can never go wrong referring to her as a lady.
So, I guess “my special dick chick” is out, too? lol