Yesterday an interesting article was brought to my attention. The author was philosophizing whether a jail that transgendered people go to once arrested should be determined by their original gender or the one they identify themselves with.
Whilst we all believe trannies are angels that simply can not commit any crime, the topic is still interesting. Frankly, i can’t imagine a beautiful m2f tranny in jail among male thugs.
Read the article and answer my poll.
If a Tranny Gets Arrested Which Jail Do They Use
This is a good question and one that has been in recent news. Generally when a person is booked into jail they are placed in either the female or male area of the jail. Well what about trannies? Where do they go, with the males or the females? Good question, so we took it to our local jail.
After calling the local jail and asking this question, we sat on the line for what seems an eternity. There was lots of transferring to another more qualified (supposedly) person to only receive the same “ummm”. The final answer that we got was that the individual would be asked which “sex” they identified with and are put in that area. Just for fun the question then was isn’t “sex” something you have in the bedroom but gender would be male or female classification? The phone call was abruptly brought to an end, wonder why?
In Britain a female that underwent surgery to become a male was the first person to be jailed with in a female security system. This is the first time in history that a male has been placed in a female jail population. There seem to be some underlying tones here and it could be disastrous for prison officials. The court made reference to the fact that regardless of which population the male was placed with could present problems for the sentence. Serving time could not only cause an upheaval with general society but also cause reparations from inside the prison. Many officials and other individuals feel that whatever the “gender” that the person identifies with should be the deciding factor of where they do their time. There are issues even still that need to be addressed. Like above what about those that identify with both?
The woman was sent to the female prison after failing to repay money from an embezzlement charge at an earlier date. This issue will certainly rear its ugly head again in society and officials are not equipped appropriately to deal with it. It is simply not fair to those that undergo sex changes and those that are born with certain body parts. Society needs to stand up and address the issues and ensure that the rights of everyone are not violated; not only those that falls into the sexual normal classification. The outcome of the person has not been stated as of yet but will probably be reported after the woman completes her sentence.

I would want the shemale with the males for my pleasure :]]
Do transgender prisoners have a right to be housed in a facility consistent with their gender identity?
Transgender people who have not had genital surgery are generally classified according to their birth sex for purposes of prison housing, regardless of how long they may have lived as a member of the other gender, and regardless of how much other medical treatment they may have undergone – a situation which puts male-to-female transsexual women at great risk of sexual violence. Transsexual people who have had genital surgery are generally classified and housed according to their reassigned sex. One mechanism that is sometimes used to protect transsexual women who are at risk of violence due to being housed in male prisons is to separate them from other prisoners.
This is referred to as “administrative segregation.” On the positive side, placing a transgender or transsexual woman in administrative segregation may provide her with greater protection than being housed in the general population. On the negative side, however, administrative segregation also results in exclusion from recreation, educational and occupational opportunities, and associational rights. Such exclusion may violate the constitutional rights of prisoners if the conditions of segregation are excessively harsh. Furthermore, administrative segregation does not protect transgender prisoners from abuse at the hands of guards and may even lead to increased exposure to violence.
What protections are available to transgender prisoners who are victims of violence in prison?
Prison officials are required to protect prisoners from violence at the hands of other prisoners. Prison officials who display a “deliberate indifference” to this duty violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The U.S. Supreme Court adopted a narrow definition of “deliberate indifference” in the case Farmer v. Brennan, which involved a male-to-female transsexual who was badly beaten and raped by her male cellmate in a maximum security prison. The Court declined to adopt an objective rule that would hold a prison official liable for violence inflicted on a prisoner when the risks are obvious enough that the official “should have known” the prisoner was in danger. Instead, the Court ruled that, to violate the Eighth Amendment, an official must have actual subjective knowledge that the prisoner is at risk of violence and deliberately fail to act on that knowledge.
Do transsexual prisoners have a right to obtain hormone therapy while in prison?
At least one state, Wisconsin, has a law expressly prohibiting the use of government funds to provide hormone therapy or sex reassignment surgery for prisoners. In states that do not explicitly prohibit such treatment, some transsexual prisoners have been able to receive hormone treatment in prison. Many prisons only provide hormone treatment to individuals who had been receiving such treatment before incarceration. However, some prisons consider providing hormones to prisoners who had not received hormones before incarceration on a case-by-case basis. The policy of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons is to provide hormones at the level that was maintained prior to incarceration. Specifically, the policy provides:
Inmates who have undergone treatment for gender identity disorder will be maintained only at the level of change which existed when they were incarcerated in the Bureau. Such inmates will receive thorough medical and mental health evaluations, including the review of all available outside records. The Medical Director will be consulted prior to continuing or implementing such treatment. The Medical Director must approve, in writing, hormone use for the maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics in writing.
The above language suggests that exceptions may be possible in individual cases to allow the initiation of hormones or other treatment where the prisoner had not received such treatment prior to incarceration, so long as the treatment is recommended as medically necessary by prison medical personnel and then approved by the Medical Director.
Even if the prison does provide hormones, however, there is no guarantee that they will be provided at the appropriate levels and with the necessary physical and psychological support services. In addition, it is often difficult for transsexual prisoners to document a prior prescription for hormones, either because of the practical difficulties and limitations imposed by incarceration, or because many transsexual prisoners are indigent and do not have private physicians willing to advocate for them. Moreover, even when transsexual prisoners are able to provide sufficient documentation, prison officials may disregard or flout the policy. A prisoner’s access to hormone treatment may also be impeded if a prison psychologist does not believe that the prisoner is transgender.
The issue of whether a transsexual person is entitled to hormone therapy while in prison has been litigated extensively, based on the established constitutional principle that it is a violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment for prison officials to exhibit “deliberate indifference” to a prisoner’s “serious medical needs.” Until the last several years, in almost every case, courts have ruled in favor of prison officials. More recently, however, prisoners have had more success.
Being arrested, has many ramifications. You may be fined, put on probation, parole, continued without a finding, sentenced to house arrest, and many variations on that theme, depending on the jurisdiction, you live in and the court that adjudicated your case.
As regards where you may actually end up if you are placed behind bars.
Depending on the nature of the crime, if it warrants it you will be held in the precinct, sheriffs office, State police barracks, or federal detention center, until you can see a judge, or are deemed worthy of bail.
Once, before the judge you are arraigned formally charged, and then are either released in your own personal recognizance, allowed to post bail, or remanded by the court and held for trial.
Again depending on the severity of the offense, you may end up in:
A county jail, house of corrections to await trial, or to serve your sentence
If convicted you may perhaps end up in a prison (Attica, San Quentin, Joliet, Angola, Walpole, Pelican Bay, Rahway, just to name a few).
Even within the prison sysstem there are degrees of prison from minimum to maximum security, and even what are known as ‘super max’ for very severe prisoners and crimes.
Then of course there is the Federal prison system, again mini, med, and maximum.
Think Martha Stewart versus Al Capone, though the prison he was held
in Alcatraz is now a tourist attraction.
As a pre op TS/TG woman, you would serve your time in a male prison. For your safety, you would most likely be segregated with other gay, transwoman, prison snitches, and other people who are at risk in the penal environment.
Piss off a guard, and you will very likely end up back in the general population (gen pop) with a very, very bad person as a cell mate.
As a post op woman, you go to a womens prison, period.
However that is not a picnic either, and you may be isolated for your own protection there as well.
Bottom line sweety, stay the fuck out of jail, you won’t like it, IF you survive it.
Also, get better legal counsel, than some clerk that answers the phone at City Hall, and who may or may not have understand your question, or know the answers.
Wow, peggygee, thank You so much for the priceless information.
hi i like girl with dick and who’s hardcore
As an attorney in California I can answer the question based only on my limited experience with other types of offenders. In all county jails within the state a “shemale” is housed with male inmates…in the Federal system (at least at the minimum security facility at Lompac, California) the same is true.
A client of mine contacted me, while serving a few months at Lompoc, to compain about a “shemale” housed in his six man room. His complaint wasn’t considered by the Bureau of Prisons in any manner other than letting him apply for other housing…which could have meant housing in a dorm setting, not a pleasant prospect compared to his smaller room. He was released before the transfer was granted. The “lady” in question was very attractive (My client pointed her out visiting a friend during a visit of mine.)
My understanding is that she was very happy with the male population and was treated like a princess by other inmates, including protection, gifts and more. She was basically monogamous while the client was there. As for county facilities, there’s generally very little sympathy for such prisoners or for prisoners, in general. The best advice was posted above. Stay out of jail and/or, especially, prison! I’m very much a lover of these girls so I really detest the treatment by government and suggest that a great project, for this site, would be to provide a list of tranny friendly lawyers in various areas of the country.
Mission-tranny lover
Thanks for your post and for that great idea Mission-tranny lover, i’m sure having the list like that could be useful to many tgirls. However, I’m not quite sure where to get the contacts of these lawyers, maybe you have a draft of the list or something?
In San Francisco years ago, they were all put in the same cell in the male section. It probably avoided orgies galore.
Question:- Ladyboys who are convicted of a crime, a crime which under normal circumstances would carry a judicial caning for a male.
Can the same punishment under Thai law be applied to a ladyboy?
In my youth I was often in trouble and I spent a lot of time in County jail, interestingly enough in San Francisco as Talvenada probably did. After I went out to San Bruno to serve my time (1 year) I became a trusty on 3south, which was the place that they segregated the gay and transgender prisoners. I loved it there, for the obvious reasons that I had a couple dozen girls fighting for my attention. Not because I was hot or anything, I was a source of tobacco or extra desserts. Whatever, I just got real close to the bars or snuck off during the evening TV time. The girls were treated like Queens out in the yard during rec time, all the men wanted a little face time with them. Remember that these were more accurately described as drag queens, there was very little that these girls had available to them to change their bodies to a more feminine state. This was in the late ’60s early ’70s. There was one that naturally had developed curves and had a very pretty face, Rachel was her name and I was smitten with her. I gave her extra desserts without asking for anything; the other girls took notice and teased me unmercifully. They even went so far as to call me to the back of the tier and put the two of us together and Susy (who was a Universal life minister, as am I) performed a marriage while Jean held me there. (6’2″, 300 lbs and mean as hell)That meant that I had to drop my shyness and take my woman into her cell and make love to her. I had been intimidated by her loveliness and Patch the murderer that took all her time in the yard. He scared me and I was in for attempted murder (I was framed, I was innocent, the one-armed man did it. He and his brother had killed a young man that lived where I did, while I was home , I heard the gunshots and saw John stagger down the hall towards me and then collapse. Yeah, I was scared of him.
I wonder where she is now? I saw much of her after we were both out and then I went back for another year and never saw her again. Incredible sex and she was very intelligent.
That was the last time I was arrested; when I got out I found NA and cleaned up and have been drug free since 1976. Thank God I never found Tranny anonymous, I would never want to give them up.
You all will see that I tend to ramble when I write, so just ignore my posts if it bothers you.
My story is almost ready, I am having a little trouble with the sex scene in the tree. ;=)
I sincerely believe that a ladyboy no matter how feminine their physical appearance is should receive the same punishment as a man, that is unless they have had a complete sex change.
Making allowances because they have taken medication or have made themselves appear like a woman should not enter the equation when sentencing a ladyboy culprit for punishment.
For example Thai ladyboys who transgress Thailand laws should not be spared the cane,or rattan if it is meritted.
Otherwise the law becomes a mockery.
Male prison. wearing lingerie and handcuffed all time.
As A tranny,i would have to be put in a Male jail and wear dresses and nighties at all times,hopefully i can keep the men happy,would be of great service to them.Trannies delight oh! yes please